The bottom photomultiplier array (2019)
Titanium cryostat arrives at SURF (2018)
The Xenon Detector fully assembled at the Surface Assembly Lab at SURF (2019) (M. Kapust, SURF)
Mating the two halves of the Xenon Detector (2019)
Yates hoist room; the hoist operator can be seen left (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
The Xenon Detector being inserted into the inner cryostat vessel at the Surface Assembly Lab at SURF (2019)
Nicolas Angelides, our cleanliness enforcer (2019)
The snowy Black Hills of South Dakota (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
Outer cryostat vessel awaiting the detector inside the water tank in the Davis Lab (2019)
LUX inside its shielding water tank (2013); LZ and its Outer Detector now occupy this space (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
Assembling the Xenon Detector fieldcage (2019)
The two photomultiplier arrays completed (2019)
The Xenon Detector starts its journey down the Yates shaft (2019)
Looking down into the PTFE-lined inner cryostat vessel, part of the Xenon Skin (2019)
ZEPLIN-III exhibit at the Whitby Museum (2019)
Walking the drift to the Davis Lab (2016)
Sally Shaw ready for the unicorn pinata at the end of LUX (2016)
Inspecting the Xenon Detector for dust (2019)
The Xenon Skin photomultipliers (2019)
The Xenon Detector fully assembled at the Surface Assembly Lab at SURF (2019) (M. Kapust, SURF)
Cham Ghag at the BUGS radioassay facility at the Boulby Underground Laboratory (2016). Many materials and components used to build LZ were assayed here for trace radioactivity.
Yates shaft headframe and SURF surface facility seen from the town of Lead, South Dakota (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
LUX motley crew emerging from the Yates cage at the 4850-ft level, ready for another exciting underground shift (2016)
View from the lower deck of the Davis Lab showing the LUX water tank (2015) (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
Closing lid on the Xenon Detector (2019)
ZEPLIN-III exhibit at the Whitby Museum (2019)
Access to Davis Lab to left and Yates shaft cage to right (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
A fun excursion to the Badlands (2019)
The LUX water tank, later used for LZ (2013) (image: Carlos Faham)
LZ Outer Detector completed (2019) (M. Kapust, SURF)
LUX assembled inside the water tank (2013) (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
LUX exhibit at the Lead Visitor Center (2017)
The Xenon Detector arrives at the Davis campus (2019)
LZUK meeting in Whitby (2016)
Peaceful transfer of power between spokespersons Carter Hall and Harry Nelson (2017)
Cabling the photomultiplier tubes, one bit at a time (2019)
Surface facilities at SURF; from left to right: surface administration building, Yates shaft headframe, and hoist room (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
Cabling a photomultiplier array (2019)
The LZ photomultipliers (2019)
The sunny Black Hills of South Dakota, with the Ross shaft to the left and the Yates shaft to the right (image: Sanford Underground Research Facility)
The bottom photomultiplier array (2019)
Inspecting the Outer Detector for dust (2019)
Working on the LZ Outer Detector (2019)
The Xenon Detector being extracted from the Yates shaft underground (2019)
Manufacturing the electrode grids at SLAC (2019)
The Xenon Detector on its way to the Davis campus (2019)